I have been working hard to get my studio all set up and ready for working in. And I think I am there.
I have all of my sculpting supplies moved up and put away ....sorting and putting things in order just lets you know what you have and what you need. And I have found that I don't really need to purchase much, as I have things I didn't know I had....(shock)!
The watercolor paper is calling my name. I need to get something created and matted for the big Booster Club Auction on the 10th of this month....I had better hurry......I love to support our kids this way..it is a win/win for everyone.
After Easter I will be spending time in the Studio.....tomorrow is the big dinner and everyone is coming to my house so there is no sense in starting a project and then just have to stop in the middle.....I like to start something and then work through until it is finished......starting and stopping makes me forget what I had envisioned for the piece.....and I lose the sponteniety of the artwork.
I am going up to take photos of the workspace to post here....so come back soon to see my studio all tidied up.....quite possibly the last time you will see it that way..