Oh my gosh! I can hardly believe it! We are going to see the sun today.....sure looks like it anyway! The other news is I have one of my little hermit crabs featured in another blog..... www.thegreengourd.blogspot.com please go check it out and also check out her cool Etsy shop. Debbie does some wonderful creative things with gourds, a lovely creative woman. Also check out the Etsy shops she has featured.
Like her I also support "handmade" items. In each item that is handmade the artist has thoughtfully touched the piece at every step of the creative process. I love to imagine the person working on the piece..".what color am I going to use....what shall I add or not...." Did they get interrupted by their children or pets or did they stop to make dinner? A piece of the "artists" life becomes part of yours .... how incredible is that?
I appreciate each and every customer who visits at my "Village Shop" ....and I hope each person who purchases one of my pieces will love it as much as I loved making it.
Well.... must get dressed and get ready for a big day in Seldovia....the "Scenic Byways" ceremony is today down at the boat harbor.....and I will be at my booth along with the other "Seldovia Artists" for the Crafters Market.