It has been a while since I have written in my blog. Life has a way of just sneaking up on you. My daughter Shannon is very ill in the hospital, which really has taken the air out of my other daughter Stephanie is there taking care of her. We do not know what exactly is wrong and the doctors are running tests.
On top of that my ex-husband, with whom I have an on going relationship, has been admitted to the hospital also and he is also in very serious condition. I just can't seem to get my balance under me before another catastrophe happens.
So when I am stressed I tend to isolate. I have a hard time being with people or talking about what is happening...maybe this blog will help.
I belong to a very supportive, creative clay group that is full of understanding people know.....dumping on your friends, no matter how nice they are and understanding is just taking advantage of their good make yourself feel better..not my way of doing things.
I have not been able to be creative ....seems like every time I pick up a piece of clay it just doesn't turn creative energy at all. So I have spent time putting things in my Etsy Shop. Sandee's Village Shop on Etsy. Old stuff I made a long time ago. And things my grandson Nate least that makes me feel useful....
waiting for news from far away is exhausting, especially about someone you love. And when it is two someones...holy cow! What next!
Well that is enough whining...I guess I will go make myself a sandwich. Nathan made meatball subs and they are amazingly good. Death by meatballs....I ate way too many.
Guide Me Home By Attica Locke
3 days ago